
BansheeScreamerisanalarmclockdesignedsimplytowakeyouup.Theprogramwindowcandisplaythetimeinnormal,large,ortinymodes.,BansheeScreamerAlarm是一套具有多項功能的電腦定時器,可用來當鬧鐘提醒、電腦關機、播放音樂、開啟瀏覽器或啟用某個應用程式、倒數計時以及當碼表來使用,另外還 ...,2024年2月24日—BansheeScreamerisasimpledigitalclockforyourdesktopthatallowsyoutosetmultiplealarms.Youcandragtheclockallaroun...

Download Portable Banshee Screamer Alarm

Banshee Screamer is an alarm clock designed simply to wake you up. The program window can display the time in normal, large, or tiny modes.

Banshee Screamer Alarm 實用的電腦定時器,可當鬧鐘

Banshee Screamer Alarm 是一套具有多項功能的電腦定時器,可用來當鬧鐘提醒、電腦關機、播放音樂、開啟瀏覽器或啟用某個應用程式、倒數計時以及當碼表來使用,另外還 ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm 2.5 Download (Free)

2024年2月24日 — Banshee Screamer is a simple digital clock for your desktop that allows you to set multiple alarms. You can drag the clock all around the ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm 2.55

Good! Because Banshee Screamer Alarm was designed for you. It has the following features: - Schedule up to 99 alarms on different days of the week. - Play MP3 ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm 2.56 界面预览_闹铃时钟

欢迎下载Banshee Screamer Alarm 一个免费的、功能丰富的闹钟程序。设定好时间,就能够以闹铃、MP3、音乐CD来提醒你,也是一个定时日程软件,可定时运行指定软件或指令 ...

banshee screamer alarm 下載

Banshee Screamer Alarm 是一套具有多項功能的電腦定時器,可用來當鬧鐘提醒、電腦關機、播放音樂、開啟瀏覽器或啟用某個應用程式、倒數計時以及當碼表來使用,另外還 ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm Download

2024年2月24日 — Banshee Screamer is a simple digital clock for your desktop that allows you to set multiple alarms. You can drag the clock all around the ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm Free Download

More than just an alarm clock, Banshee Screamer now includes a timer and Counter. It allows up to 99 separate alarms, which can be configured to go off on any ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm

2007年2月24日 — More than just an alarm clock, Banshee Screamer now includes a timer and counter. It allows up to 99 separate alarms, which can be configured to ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm 2.55 Free Download

The Digital Alarm Clock turns your iPhone into an All-In-One alarm clock with an alarm that play your favorite music, your favorite radio station, your own ...